21 Things 4 Teachers provides a plethora of resources for the "21st Century Educator." The tool I would like to learn most about is Google Plus. This communication tool can help you connect with other educators. I would like to learn more about it because I already have a Google profile and, somehow, I already have content saved on my plus page. The site is great for social networking. You can create a profile that is linked to your Google account. There are communities you can arrange within your profile to connect with people of certain interests. If I decided to use the tool and associate it with my classroom, I would need to consult my schools acceptable use policy (AUP) to address the do's and don'ts of what is appropriate to post within the Google Plus community. According to EdTech , school's AUP's should be updated 2-3 times a year. They should be used to help students know how to properly use the internet and to apply safety precautions while b...
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Teaching is Always Learning